
A slightly modified Skippy

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Dog's Dead!

Somehow sleeping has been added to my Jack Russell's long list of bizarre behaviours. Yes, she even sleeps abnormally. The most common deviation from the standard stomach sleep is the fetal position; incredibly cute, but not very strange, I guess. It's kind of strange that she can curl herself up in such a compact, tiny ball. Maybe. (I have a great photo of this but I can't find it)

Another slightly more strange sleeping position is when she completely lies on her back. Again, I'm sure that other dogs must do this, but it doesn't make any more normal. All she needs is a blanket to go across her body, neatly tucked under her fore paws, to complete this ridiculous caricature of a sleeping human.

She also snores dreadfully loud when sleeping like this.
The most bizarre sleeping position of all is when she sleeps like we just got her back from the taxidermist. If the first two weren't strange, then this one definitely is. She's mainly on her side, but sort of on an awkward, upward angle with all four legs in the air frozen in stasis. The first time this happened I really had to look twice and make sure that she was breathing, and then exclaimed that this is the weirdest dog I have ever seen. What makes this even more creepy is that her eyes are partially open. How can anything, dog or otherwise actually sleep like that? My Jack Russell does. It's now just commonplace in our home to walk by, glance down and comment as a matter of fact: "Hey, the dog's dead again."



  1. Here's the link to my sleepy Skippy picture.!/photo.php?fbid=268125010550&set=a.201864565550.273920.835050550

    I will always treasure the house-sitting memory of rolling over to find that Skippy was lying on her back with the sheets pulled up to her chin. And trying to keep her head on my pillow without me noticing. Should have got a picture of that.

  2. I forgot that she did that! Thanks, Karen.
